We are compiling links to important information on van living, RVing, converting vehicles, and other things you need to know in your new lifestyle.
Plan Now To Live In Your Vehicle – Important Tips – Read This First
Check out this web site, which features a lot of photos and information on converting a van, putting in a stove, bed, and other features:
Solar Cooking? Here’s a yahoo group with all you need to do solar ovens and more:
Interesting blog spot by an “old codger”. His stories about the man who lives in a stick house, and his trip to the famous Slab City are very worth reading:
The famous yahoo vandwellers group started way back in 2002, they have about 8,000 members, tons of great information, check it out and subscribe:
Interest in Satellite reception is growing, and you can set up your RV for a dish. Check out this site, Global Communications, bookmark this important site for the tremendous information on satellite reception, antennas and more:
Boondocking – camping off road or not in an approved pay-to-stay campground. This wonderful site is packed with information and plenty of maps showing rest areas, free long term visitor areas on federal lands, photos, routes to take, destinations, and much more. Bookmark this site – it is invaluable:
Boondocking.org has a database (in beta test) of free places to camp, using your GPS, enter your location for results:
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