New Film on Homeless Children in Los Angeles

“Invisible Children of L.A.” Coming Soon – Fundraiser With Senator Kevin deLeon, Producer Maryana Palmer and Actress Mimi Kennedy Highlights Plight of Our Local Kids

Los Angeles is fast earning the reputation as the homeless capitol of America.  Because of skyrocketing apartment rents, the millions of folks who were thrown out of their homes by the bankers during the mortgage melt-down now have nowhere to go.  Thousands of families are living in their RVs, vans and even cars.  This includes thousands of children.  Even if the family gets a “chit” to stay in a motel for a couple of weeks, imagine the impact on the kids.  It is an intolerable situation.

This new documentary focuses on several families, their daily struggle to make ends meet, living with their kids on the street, in motels, in vehicles.  It is a heart-wrenching documentary that is a call to action for society to do something to help this situation.  There are many helpful solutions to these problems, we just need to marshal our society to tackle them

The fundraiser was held on September 29th at the Peace Center in Culver City.  The goal was to get enough money to pay for post production costs for the film, so that it could get released.  The trailer is done.  Gypsy Cool’s friends were at the event, with video cameras to record the highlights of the event.  Please, anyone who can help with a few bucks, go to and make a donation to the film through Film Independent.

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